Seeing the Northern lights for the first time is something that will take your breath away, seeing them for the second time leaves you in awe, seeing them for the third time leaves you in love..... and on it goes.  Let us hunt together for the Northern lights and create a memory that will last a life time. 

Servio web 020  Servio web 018  Servio web 021 

We will pick you up from your hotel for the Northern lights tour.  This is an out of town experience where there is no light pollution and if the lights are out you will witness something spectacularly amazing. The Northern lights are a natural occurring phenomen and are dependent on solar activity and weather conditions. It is impossible to predict when they are out, but they are only visible during winter, months of September to March.

Booking information

This is your tour but we will scout the best location to experience the Northern lights. We will pick you up from your hotel and take you back after the wonderful adventure. The car is packed with luxury just for you, so you sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.

You will be outside during the evening and maybe into the night. Dress warmly because it will be cold.

Regular tour 4 to 6 hours

We love to customize our day tours for our customers! If you have a great idea or are just curious, please contact our service and support desk at booking@servio.is or call at: +354 571 0800, during business hours. We are here for you!
